Friday, November 20, 2009

Buttons Buttons Buttons
Earrings, Hair Accessories, Buttons for your hand made creations
These little buttons created by Lou at "Buttons by Lou Lou" are simply gorgeous.  My favourites are the little Deers set and also the Elegant Black Cats.

Buttons by Lou Lou started in 2008 with the idea of making fabric button hair accessories for Lou's children's friends, her niece and for herself....she had been noticing fabric covered buttons at markets and in shops and thought they were a great idea.

After a lot of trial and error finding the right buttons, the right fabrics, and the right accessory attachments Lou finally had some working products and started giving them away as gifts. Her sister then suggested opening a 'shop' on and that took it all to the next level - and it is great fun.

Now she is making gifts and accessories for people all over the world!

So head on over to
and have a look.  Lou also has a web site as well
and also sells through
Some very sweet items....don't forget Christmas is coming up!!

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